I've had Magix Lab 10 on old laptop for several years and would like to use again but following a house move and long term storage, can't find or identify the bits apart from CD. Pretty sure I got all I needed when purchased but can't even remember what sound card looked like. Have cables which seem to connect laptop to stereo via both input/output and headphone socket and system installed on laptop is working but no sound going thru so assume I got a sound card originally? Reluctant to purchase again if this is all that's missing - if that's the case, what's cheapest card to buy? Only want to transfer a few LPs to CD for my elderly father so no big deal. With the system already installed, what's my cheapest option? Or is all included if I buy same package again (on low income so can't afford to upgrade to newer Magix). (Got old Dell Inspiron and currently using Acer with Vista)
Thanks for helping.