
ralftaro wrote on 3/7/2008, 6:25 AM
If you want to add audio commentary/voice-overs to your project in Video Deluxe, you can do that via the recording button (part of the transport control buttons underneath the preview monitor when using the standard layout). One of the options you will be given is the "Audio" recording, which will enable you to create an audio track starting at the current play cursor position. In the dialogue that comes up you can perform an audio recording from a connected microphone/headset.

If you need to lower or mute the original audio track of your arrangement in order to not conflict with your voice-over, there are different approaches, depending on your needs and how you prefer to work:

* Ungrouping the video and audio track of your original video footage via the "ungroup" function (hotkey: Ctrl + M) would enable you to delete the separate audio track altogether.

* The volume handle in the center of the audio object would enable you to lower the volume, including the possibility to lower it down all the way to silence. Breaking up the audio track into separate sections (via the split function/T key) would give you a volume and fade in/out handles for each section, thus enabling you to control the volume level of each section individually.

* Using the drawing mouse mode gives you total control over the volume of your audio track. You can just "draw" in the volume curve to lower the volume of the original/background sound whenever you're speaking and raise it again whenever you're not.

I hope this helps.