I dont think I changed the date, however, after loading the ACL software, it said there were 17239 new updates for my notebook. and when it rebooted, a window poped up about daylight savings time. It was after that i noticed the trial time had changed. and today when i started ACL it said i have one day remaining. That was a fast 30 day trail (8 Day). I most likely wil purchase the ACL program, with that being said, a 30 day trail would have been nice to have been fulfilled,
It is highly likely that one of those updates has affected the trial period. Unfortunately AFAIK there is no way to recover from this.
OT that many updates suggests your laptop has not been update for a long while, I would recommend you allow automatic updates to download updates and notify so you can install them - I would not use fully automatic as this may try to initiate a reboot when you are in the middle of doing something.