ACID Pro VSTs used outside of ACID / MAGIX

Tony-Walsh wrote on 10/14/2022, 4:52 PM

Does anyone know which, if any, of the following VSTs currently bundled with ACID Pro 11 Producer Edition can be used in a DAW like Cubase, Reason etc.? (I don't mean are they supported in those DAWs, I mean has MAGIX restricted them to MAGIX only DAWs?)

MAGIX Analogue Modelling Suite Plus
MAGIX Vandal
Independence Pro Plus Suite
Brainworx Producer Bundle
19 Vita Instruments



SP. wrote on 10/14/2022, 5:25 PM

@Tony-Walsh I would guess that the BrainWorx plugins should work outside of ACID. The rest will not work. Vita Instruments are Magix exclusive. The rest of the VSTs need to be bought separately, then they will work in every DAW. This was always the case with Magix bundled plugins.

Tony-Walsh wrote on 10/14/2022, 5:34 PM

That's pretty much what I figured. It makes MAGIX' claims for the value of the bundled products dishonest, as they quote the price for buying them outright. Anyway, thanks for confirming.

Graham-Hawker wrote on 10/15/2022, 1:26 AM

@Tony-Walsh Just to add that Independence works outside Magix programs as do various effects like Variverb. I think anything that installs properly into the vst folders will be picked up and usable by other programs. I can see the essentialfx (efx) in other programs.

SP. wrote on 10/15/2022, 4:40 AM

@Graham-Hawker And do they work? As far as I experienced it, they will ask for a serial number if you load them in another DAW.

Graham-Hawker wrote on 10/15/2022, 7:17 AM

@Graham-Hawker And do they work? As far as I experienced it, they will ask for a serial number if you load them in another DAW.

Independence certainly seems to work. I've never actually checked effects beyond them loading so I just did. They load ok but they don't actually process the sound. The sound just passes through as if there is a bypass engaged. I checked with variverb and the efx effects I have. There were no serial number requests.

Tony-Walsh wrote on 10/15/2022, 10:14 AM

@Graham-Hawker And do they work? As far as I experienced it, they will ask for a serial number if you load them in another DAW.

Independence certainly seems to work. I've never actually checked effects beyond them loading so I just did. They load ok but they don't actually process the sound. The sound just passes through as if there is a bypass engaged. I checked with variverb and the efx effects I have. There were no serial number requests.

Independence will load, but (on my system at least) the libraries are license dependent. efx loads for me, but that's because I have a full license. Variverb and others load, but don't work outside of the Magix group without a full license. (So why did I ask the question if I know all this? I just wondered if the Acid Pro 11 bundle was any more flexible than other bundles I have.)

Former user wrote on 12/16/2022, 12:47 AM

@Graham-Hawker And do they work? As far as I experienced it, they will ask for a serial number if you load them in another DAW.

Independence certainly seems to work. I've never actually checked effects beyond them loading so I just did. They load ok but they don't actually process the sound. The sound just passes through as if there is a bypass engaged. I checked with variverb and the efx effects I have. There were no serial number requests.

Independence will word because the base i strument is free, anyways. The libraries will not work without a serial.

If the MAGIX plug-ins come with a serial, they will work. Register that serial when you load them in non-Magix hosts.

For example, Samplitude Pro X Suite comes with serials for coreFX and colorFX Suites.

Most are not worth the bother as they are 10+ years old and other DAWs have better stock FX, anyways.

Most MAGIX plug-ins will run fine in a MAGIX host, but many bundled products install to a private application plug-in directory.

The price uplift is generally fine of you want them in ACID or Samplitude Pro X (assuming constant discounts), but I would never pay for these on their own - including the independence library (unless you get it during one of the $65 sales and don't have a Kontakt 6 or 7 (or HALion) Factory Library).