Acid Pro 11 - Old Acid 7 Project - Problems with chopped oneshot file

Armen-Cholakian wrote on 12/11/2022, 12:25 PM

Hi all,

Im a bit confused as to why this is happening - not sure if its related to Acid 11 or any version.

Long ago, in Acid 7, I took a stereo mix of my song and placed it on a single track - as a oneshot file.

Then I chopped it up many times to rearrange the song parts to create a new arrangement - I simply used one track to chop it up and stitch them together without using Acid loops / bars / etc - its just a collection of stitched clips on one track sync to acids framework.

This was done many years ago ....

Now I load the song in Acid 11 Pro and the stitching looks right but the transitions between the clips are messed up - the music clips are not in sync anymore - its almost like all of the clips are offset, so they dont transition correctly as each clip is played on the track.

The source file is not changed - so ive run out of ideas!

What could cause this offset in all the clip transitions?

Thanks in advance!



Former user wrote on 12/11/2022, 12:42 PM

@Armen-Cholakian the code from AP7 was rewritten for AP8 through AP11 to 64bit (from 32). With that rewrite came MANY bugs and stability issues...your issue included. There is no fix, sadly you're on your own. Sorry, Armen