ACID 9.0.1 and VSTs

mellotronworker wrote on 7/7/2019, 3:45 AM

Elsewhere I mentioned that in order to make additions to an existing project I built upon a rendered WAV of the original project. Some may wonder why not just open the original project.

Because ACID 9.x seems incapable of consistently loading VSTs, that's why.

  • Open project. Problem: the following VSTs could not be loaded (names of about three soft synths and effects)
  • Close project.
  • Open project. Problem: the following VSTs could not be loaded (names of about six soft synths and effects, some different from the last time.
  • Close project. Despair.

Again: what is going on? The record so far is ACID 9.0.1 only being able to load five VSTs out of a collection of about 60. Why? If I go to the plug-in manager and re-scan then a whole load suddenly appear, but they were not there when ACID started. So what has changed.

Can someone tell me what causes VSTs to fail to load? That alone would be a start. Maybe someone else can tell me what is going on with ACID. Yes, some of the VSTs are 32 bit, but that should not be an issue. They loaded in ACID/32 so why not in ACID/64? If it claims to be able to use them, then why does it not?

I can see my wits' end closing in on me again.


Former user wrote on 7/8/2019, 11:26 AM

I'm having the same problem. Do you still have Acid 8 on you're computer? Try opening your Acid 9 project in 8, I've had that bring back my VSTs and Softsynths. I've also had crashes that resulted in all the 64bit VSTs and Softsynths coming back as the 32bit version....This VST plug'in problem is a MAJOR issue that is causing needless hours of wasted time & energy. It's a bit hard to be creative when you have to deal with program flaws that can cause your work to come to a stand still or worse crash & disappear. Best of luck to you !

mellotronworker wrote on 7/26/2019, 12:38 PM

@Former user

Sadly, this isn't a complete answer. No version of v8 (as far as I can tell) supports presets in VSTs, so they all get lost. What Magix need to do is update the last version of v8 to fix the presets issue and that issue only and then release it. Why they thought anything else was a good idea is beyond me.

Former user wrote on 7/26/2019, 2:16 PM

mellotronworker, there will be no more updates to Acid 8. Acid 9 was (is) nothing more than an update to 8 that we had to pay for...and it's still not fixed...sadly

mellotronworker wrote on 7/27/2019, 5:04 AM

Then I have to assume that the next release will be v10 and I for one will not be wasting any more money on this. If they really want to restore faith in any of this then they have to have a proper beta test and roll out a version of v9 that reliably fixes everything.

The latest thing I am finding now using v8 is that loading some perfectly straightforward VSTs (such as Kontakt!) does not display the VST's graphic at all, instead obscuring it behind a black box, usually precursor to the whole application crashing hard. I am also finding that loading VSTs in v8 isn't as reliable or consistent as I'd like, but is still way better than v9. None of my VST-3 instruments from Arturia load at all. (If anyone can shed any light on why a VST doesn't load when (a) it's there and (b) it loads perfectly fine into the likes of Cantabile, please let me know)

With or without VST-3 support or 64 bit processing, Sony's version worked flawlessly all the time, every time. I am seriously considering going back to v7 and asking Magix for a refund.

latxeroloko wrote on 8/8/2019, 12:41 PM

Hi, I have ap9 and I use a Windows 7 64bit operating system. My problem is that I do not find the vts that promised in the promotion, of all the vita, I only have the vita sampler installed. Where can I download them? I would also like to be able to work with the trompet 3. but I can't upload the vts I have on my computer. I have followed all the steps and I have read the manual. I sincerely hope that someone can help me. thanks, and forgive my english i use the google translator.

mellotronworker how do you do to work with kontakt in acid 9 ??. I think magix should solve the problem now, or give us the money back, this version of acid does not work, does not load vts.

mellotronworker wrote on 8/8/2019, 2:26 PM


mellotronworker how do you do to work with kontakt in acid 9 ??

It's a 20 step process. A bit like this:

  1. Load Acid 9.0
  2. Acid 9.0 crashes as it loads
  3. Reboot machine in hope for the best
  4. Load Acid 9.0 again
  5. It starts
  6. Look for Philharmonia VST and fail to find it
  7. Load inferior string samples in Kontakt 5.x instead thinking 'ah, this will do...I suppose'
  8. Record the MIDI piece into ACID
  9. Do some other stuff.
  10. Watch Acid crash slowly in the white screen of death as you do something innocuous like try to open a bus
  11. Load Acid 9.0
  12. Acid 9.0 crashes as it loads
  13. Reboot machine in hope for the best
  14. Load Acid 9.0 again
  15. It starts
  16. Load track. Get a load of warnings about missing VSTs, including Kontakt which was loaded only a minute ago. Also notice a bunch of others missing without any reason.
  17. Play track. Experience the sound of a Stone Age MIDI piano playing my newly recorded string track.
  18. Scream.
  19. Go to and download the 60 day trial version which works flawlessly and without vast expense.
  20. Wonder why I was ever so stupid.

No exaggerations.

latxeroloko wrote on 8/9/2019, 11:13 AM

It seems that you have to do a programming course, it is very complicated, for now I have already solved it, I move with the acid version 9 in 32 bits, although my computer is 64. Enter the plugin administration tab and the Kontakt 5 is already installed, I am surprised that Kontakt 6 is missing or is not found by acid 9. Now I'm downloading Vita 2, let's see if I can make it work. I will tell you. thanks for answering and for your time

mjn wrote on 8/12/2019, 4:06 PM

>It's a 20 step process. A bit like this:<


Chuzz-Bot wrote on 8/18/2019, 6:16 AM

mellotronworker, there will be no more updates to Acid 8. Acid 9 was (is) nothing more than an update to 8 that we had to pay for...and it's still not fixed...sadly

Yep I'm stuck with Acid 'Pro' 8 not loading any of the saved instruments, and with none of the 32 bit vsts working, I was horrified that 9 was out without this being fixed. Now to hear that 9 is just as smashed. I don't understand how Magix took a an old but working software and destroyed it so completely. For what? A lucklustre UI update? Acid 8 owners should have been offered this for free just for putting up with this soft serve.