I have been using a MOTU 828 Mk3 to record in multichannel audio into Vegas 18 and SF 16 (and earlier version) for years. Apparently, there is some conflict with the MOTU driver MFWAWAVE64.SYS that now causes my PC to bluescreen if the MOTU is powered up when the computer boots. (I know this has nothing to do with MAGIX - please bear with me)
So, I was recorded in audio with Vegas 18 the other day, saved the 4 channel audio files, then opened them in Sound Forge 16, like I always do. However, as happens sometime, the audio device is still claimed by Vegas, so I rebooted the PC. It came back to a blue screen crash upon reboot. (I eventually figured out that it was because the MOTU was powered - again, not a MAGIX issue)
So, after rebooting with the MOTU off, the PC started up fine, but then I got an error on restart of Vegas 18 that was a messagebox that said "Error -59", no license for this copy of the software. I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling, but now everytime I start Vegas it has to re-register itself!
Well, now it has happened with SF16, and after the BlueScreen crash, I got the -59 error and had to remove and reinstall SF16, and now everytime I start it, it has to go through the register the software bit.
Anyone know how to get around this?