2 channel Stereo Surround and 5.1 Surround

ElJulo wrote on 7/5/2023, 4:40 PM

Hi everyone ! I'm on Samplitude Prox 5 Suite. I have a SSL2+ soundcard. I have 2 questions for you :

- I search to modidy a stereo track into a 5.1 track. Do i need special headphones ? Special plugins ? How is it possible into Samplitude ? I had read the manual (and still) but it's pretty obscure for me. Can you guys give me some advices for where i am supposed to start ?


- I've read also i can set up the "2 channel surround" into a stereo track, but when i'm right clicking to the pan knob i don't have a stereo editor but only the window for panning, i don't have the option "2 channel surround mode". Can you help me please ?


Best Regards







SP. wrote on 7/5/2023, 5:31 PM

@ElJulo You can either select in the new project dialog that it should be a surround project or in the mixer window in a preset list below the setup button.

You can then place all your sounds inside the surround field.

You would need surround headphones or a surround speaker setup to hear everything correctly.

Splitting an already finished music stereo track into different stems might make it a easier to place the sounds in a surround field.

You can download the free Ultimate Vocal Remover 5 from here https://github.com/Anjok07/ultimatevocalremovergui/releases/tag/v5.5.0 Inside the program setting you can then download the Demucs v4 6-stem model (htdemucs_6s) which can split your music files into 6 stems (drums, bass, other, vocals, piano, guitar). I recommend using a high quality file format like WAV.

ElJulo wrote on 7/5/2023, 5:37 PM

Thank you SP. for your fast answer ! If y understand correctly : usiing this tool (or maybe i can do this with spectralayers ?) to split my stereo track into 6 differents tracks on a 5.1 surround project (what format do you recommend, ITU or DTS ?). I'll try it, if your program run on my old win 8.1, i just see it works only on win 10. Do you have any recommandations on surround headphones ?

Thanks again for your help.

SP. wrote on 7/5/2023, 6:20 PM

@ElJulo No, I don't have recommendations on surround headphones or speakers.

I don't own such things.

Wikipedia says that ITU 5.1 is the most common surround standard.

The brand new version of SpectraLayers uses the same Demucs 6 stems model as UVR5. I don't think it's worth the price if you can get it for free with UVR5. But I never tested UVR5 on Windows 8.

ElJulo wrote on 7/5/2023, 6:34 PM

Thank you again ! I will try UVR 5. I remember spectralayers (i have 7) can Split the tracks and select the parts (bass, piano etc.) I used it to remove dialogs in a movie scene and adding my voice on actors. Works great. I don't have such gear neither. I saw today a plugin called dear VR and it provides until 8 channels mixers on a stereo headphones. I also saw dolby atmos headphones compatible on dolby site, but it seems more gaming product... I think i will go to a professionnal shop for asking. This stuff seems very complicated ! Have you got an idea for the "2 Chanel surround" ? I don't understand why i don't have this option. Wish you a good day/night and thank you again for your fast answers.

SP. wrote on 7/6/2023, 5:58 AM


Have you got an idea for the "2 Chanel surround" ? I don't understand why i don't have this option. 

I haven't tested it yet, but did you switch to a surround project instead of using a stereo project?

ElJulo wrote on 7/6/2023, 3:28 PM

Yes i tested both. Maybe i missed up something, i'll check it out later for this. I tested a plugin called DearVR, but honestly, unless have a 5.1 installation, it's impossible to do a good mix only with headphones. I've seen in a shop nearby used 5.1 system at very low price. I have a soundcart compatible with SPDIF for 5.1 and DTS, i think i'm gonna grab one and test, it's the only solution i think. Thank you again fopr taking the time to answer me, very appreciated !