Zen ...

daniel-combet schreef op 20.07.2012 om 00:53 uur
Tags: Gaming
Breedte: 1280
Hoogte: 720
Duur:: 06:36
Formaat: x-ms-asf

Hey everybody.


It s been a long time.

Here is for you a video we just made yesturday. It s the song "Zen ...".

You already know this one maybe as it is on the album "Memories" from No Keen Enterprise Band.

The sound is recorded through a numeric 4 tracks recorder and using its microphones, then reworked on a studio software, but it can t be excellent anyway with this procedure.

No amp for the guitar, just my alesis rack plugged onto a sono with the keybopards. The drums were recorded 2 years ago :)

Have a good end of week and looking forward to read your message I like very much

Daniel from France


gandjcarr schreef op 26.07.2012 om 17:26 uur

Hello Daniel,

I have watched the last 3 videos that you have posted, and I must tell you that the music is fantastic.  The audio quality is pretty good for web video.  I do have a concern about the video quality.  The lighting is very bad, as is the quality of the video.  It looks out of focus and hazy.  Don't use a cell phone to record this amazing music.  Borrow a video camera or two or three from friends.  Put one camera on the guitar player, one on the keyboard player and one showing both musicians.  Then use one sound track and "multi-camera" with MEP to produce your final product.  These are great songs, very good sound, but not so good video.  The songs kept me watching the video, but if the video were better, I would have been totally drawn in.

I have played, recorded, written, and produced music videos for almost 30 years, and you definitely have good material.  You just need to think of different ways to present it to your audience.

I hope this helps and all the best,


daniel-combet schreef op 26.07.2012 om 19:00 uur

Hi George

Thanks for your message.

yes you are right the video is not so good, but very helpfull for us as a Demo to recruit musicians.

For today we won t borrow other cameras but we will make video clips in the future.


For better Audio, I suggest you look for No Keen Enterprise on Deezer, here you ll have the songs recorded in a studio manner.


Thanks for your comprehension


keromusic schreef op 20.09.2012 om 01:58 uur

Très interessant de pouvoir vous voir jouer votre musique.
Merci pour l'effort.
La musique est formidable, les guitare sont super expressives
Bravo bravo bravo

5 *****