Sahara girl

Farstom schreef op 07.04.2015 om 22:15 uur

After a long time, finally made a new music.

This time no alians music.

I hope you like it.

Thanks for listening.



Volgen Citeren

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something




TetleyAnderton schreef op 07.04.2015 om 22:25 uur

I like the steady beat of this one.  Nice job

tgfmusica schreef op 07.04.2015 om 22:30 uur

Suoni originali, ma piacevoli all'ascolto, mi piace, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 07.04.2015 om 22:30 uur

Hi Farstom:

It has been a good while since we have heard any new arrangements from you.  You know what?  After listening to this song, it has been well worth the wait, my good friend.  The beat, the cadence, and most importantly, the style of this song, is very refreshing.  As always, your material is well-developed and carefully thought out.

You do good work.


olivier28 schreef op 07.04.2015 om 23:37 uur


Musique étonnante et surprenante

4 ****

Bien ficelé



Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 08.04.2015 om 05:15 uur

Hi Farstom!

I like this very good rhythm and the sound is perfect! Your work is fantastic! Good job, my friend! 5***** Thank you for sharing!



many greetings from germany


Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 08.04.2015 om 09:10 uur

nice chill out, i like it

smartsmurf schreef op 08.04.2015 om 12:47 uur

Nice and relaxing... the percussions make it somewhat oriental.

What's missing is some melody instruments and a little oriental singing...


Spartano schreef op 08.04.2015 om 17:51 uur

Sehr schöne relaxe Musik, Fav.

Sehr gerne angehört,

Lg, von Spartano!

Laatst gewijzigd door Spartano op 08.04.2015, 17:51, in totaal 1 keer gewijzigd.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 08.04.2015 om 19:11 uur

sounds very special, I would say that the rhythm part contains percussion with tribal sounds, accompanied by low.
I would say that you have been able to associate musically the music for the title track.
overall the track I like.
good work


Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 08.04.2015 om 19:42 uur

Hello Farstom,
I really like this style of music and much percussion.
I found it all very original and beautiful.
Very,very well.


Piazzini schreef op 08.04.2015 om 20:46 uur

Hoi Farstom

absolutely exciting rhythm section, exciting interwoven with these magical sounds.

The smooth oriental athmosphäre you create with these unusual percussion.

very pleased to hear .... interesting listening.

en liebe gruess vom


Edi-no1 schreef op 08.04.2015 om 22:54 uur

Hi Farstom,

I really like it. Well done, great drums.

Cheers, Edi


TommyG schreef op 09.04.2015 om 04:39 uur

Die Percussion-Samples kenne ich sehr gut.  Interessant, daß das Stück auch ohne Melodieinstrumene auskommt und wunderbar funktioniert. Richtig gutes Wüsten-Ambiente, gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut.

Jinty schreef op 09.04.2015 om 15:30 uur

Hello farstom,

Cool track, great rhythm...

Have a good one!



stuallan schreef op 09.04.2015 om 18:50 uur

Hi Farstom,

Your music is always so well thought out and so intersting. Using the drums as the main melody and working around them  creates a really interesting vibe.

Great job!


Loved the picture.

Best Regards,



Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 09.04.2015 om 23:15 uur

Well done

I like it very mutch.

Mr-Funbeat schreef op 10.04.2015 om 12:54 uur

Cool song , I like it   5* 

gerrycix schreef op 10.04.2015 om 20:54 uur

Great percussion ...Farstom !

Very good track !

Ciao David

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 10.04.2015 om 21:19 uur

very good sound, rithmic is great.

the melody is particoular.

music wworld easy


AtomicFusion schreef op 10.04.2015 om 23:09 uur

Wow ....Farstie

very nice Track and sound !



MuggeMaker schreef op 11.04.2015 om 07:52 uur

Hi Farstom,

this is great music.

Very well done, my friend! 

Best regards


juangarciamillan schreef op 11.04.2015 om 09:02 uur

Good rythm and percussion, tittle very well chosen!

Maboe schreef op 11.04.2015 om 12:37 uur

It´s mainly a percussion track, but a great choice of sounds. And yes, I like it!


Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 11.04.2015 om 22:38 uur

Hi! Farstom. Morgenstund ... hat Gold im Mund ... was möchtest Du denn mehr?

LG / aces-e37