franco-galateo schreef op 25.09.2017 om 17:51 uur



Le fiabe possibili spaziano musicalmente laddove può spaziare la fantasia, la narrativa in musica. Non c'è un preciso genere, un percorso in qualche modo "standardizzato". Lo si capisce sin dall'inizio assaporando le molte sfaccettature de "L'Orso grigio" che si colora intensamente di "prog". Elettronico, contemporaneo, intensamente "dark" è il brano "Il mago selvatico". Onirico, evanescente (come deve essere), "Il lago incantato". Dunque, i primi tre brani aderiscono pienamente al progetto fiabesco dell'album.

Il "ranocchio innamorato" è rappresentato da intrecci di modern jazz, "Il Re scalzo" vive sulle onde dell'ambient e dell'electro-funk, mentre la "Fatina del filo" si veste di jazz. "C'era una volta" riserva affascinanti variegate atmosfere, "Incantesimi" fa respirare rarefazioni psichedeliche... underground. "Il gatto scarlatto", brano conclusivo, è un bel gioco di fusion "jazz-elettronica". Tutto ciò perchè nelle fiabe tutto... E' possibile !

ENGLISH: Possible fairy tales span musically where imagination can go, fiction in music. There is no specific genre, a path in some way "standardized". From the beginning, you can understand the many facets of "l'orso grigio" that is intensely colored by "prog". Electronic, contemporary, intensely "dark" is the song "Il mago selvatico". Oniric, evanescent (as it should be), is "Il lago incantato". So the first three tracks fully adhere to the fairy-tale project of the album.


The "Ranocchio innamorato" is represented by modern jazz interwoven, "Il Re scalzo",  lives on the waves of the ambient and the electro-funk, while the "Fatina del filo" is dressed in jazz. "C'era una volta" has a fascinating varied atmosphere, "Incantesimi" has psychedelic moments ... underground. "Il gatto scarlatto", final track, is a fine jazz-electronic fusion game. All this because in fairy tales all ... It's possible!


TrishM schreef op 25.09.2017 om 18:01 uur

I enjoyed the funky vibe going with the synths. Very cool. You've got it goin' on Franco! I like this kind of music from you. You are in your groove.


Picnicboy schreef op 25.09.2017 om 18:49 uur


This starts very interisting and stays in that Way.

Very cool Music.


Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 25.09.2017 om 18:55 uur

Questo brano è strepitoso, bellissima la prima parte con sound graffiante, ma anche la seconda non è da meno, bravissimi.



Maikel_Ey schreef op 25.09.2017 om 18:59 uur

hEy Franco,

the piece of music is also great.......I Li👍ke it

All the best


robin109 schreef op 25.09.2017 om 20:28 uur

Hi Franco
Great thread, witchcraft and magic for hearing.
Such an illustration is not exactly my aesthetic, but I liked it.
Regards Robert

Jinty schreef op 25.09.2017 om 20:38 uur

Hello Franco,

You have created a track that is great as always,Kudos to you!!!!!!

All the best,


Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 26.09.2017 om 02:05 uur

A film cut music, very good quality.
I must say that I was surprised by the change of music, that second part could be another musical theme apart and I can think of the title of 'Friction of planets', where the strength of one great body interferes with the other, ... but,. ..a moment, .. what is that last part?, ... I think this theme is not one but three in one, but the last part deserves a stage and a complete body.

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 26.09.2017 om 14:47 uur

Musik: wunderschön, entspannend, phantasievoll...schön...sehr gerne gehört.

herzliche Grüße


fpescobedo schreef op 27.09.2017 om 03:07 uur

Huck schreef op 27.09.2017 om 15:41 uur

gerne gehört


stuallan schreef op 27.09.2017 om 18:46 uur

WoW Franco! Just when we think we have your style pegged, you come up with something new. Loved the funky drums along with the distorted guitar and heavy bottom bass, creates a very interesting groove over which you lay your synths so well. Then you change it up at 4:51 and bring us to dream land.

Great job!



Pat_02 schreef op 28.09.2017 om 01:50 uur

Salut mon ami,

Comme promis je termine d'écouter cette musique en 2 parties en fin de compte.

La première, je la trouve très originale avec des sonorités recherchées qui me plaisent.

La guitare saturée me plait beaucoup ainsi que ce son de synthé répété, qui peut être aurait pu évoluer pendant le déroulement de ta musique, en changeant sa modulation par moment, (c'est juste un exemple) car ce son et ce riff sont répétitifs et si cette sonorité avait changée un peu, je pense que ça aurait paru moins répétitif, mais bon, c'est une affaire de goût, lol !

Pour la 2e musique qui n'a rien à voir avec la première, c'est beaucoup plus expérimental et je la trouve très bien également.

Maintenant petite question : pourquoi avoir fait enchaîner une 2e musique qui n'a aucun rapport musicalement parlant avec la première ? cette 2e musique a plus sa place je pense avec d'autres morceaux de ce même album.

j'aime cette variation à 7 minutes 58 seconds, c'est joli, mais malheureusement interrompu, dommage.

C'est dans sa globalité, c'est du bon et beau travail, bravo !

Salutations amicales.




horst-d schreef op 29.09.2017 om 10:58 uur

Hammersound, schwungvoll und schön💗

LG Horst😎

francis-b30 schreef op 29.09.2017 om 18:15 uur

dan-t schreef op 01.10.2017 om 11:15 uur

Bonjour ....

Music is an art of emotion rather than thought ... and it is in this that it differs from other arts .... A key that you found without a doubt .... Perhaps a slightly philosophical comment, but very close to a reality, when we listen to you ....


Nickillus schreef op 19.10.2017 om 12:57 uur

Right from the get go, the fabulous beat you lay down sets the mood. Such a cool vibe. Absolutely love this groove. I can just see the guys and gals sitting there playing this, totally absorbed in the moment. Superb stuff, Franco. Those chords that come in approaching the 5 minute, transition mark are electric. While it takes you to a different place, it's just as fabulous a place to be. That ending is truly magical. Woohoo.


Sandro_Glavina_Channel schreef op 26.11.2017 om 02:45 uur

Psichedelico, non c'è dubbio !

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA