David McWilliams- The days of Pearly Spencer

ChevalierDeSangreal schreef op 03.01.2020 om 21:09 uur
Tags: MIDI, Dance, Overige, Klassiek, Music Maker Artist, Pop

Diese Lied erschien 1967. Da war ich gerade mal drei Jahre alt.


A tenement, a dirty street
Walked and worn by shoe less feet
Inside it's long and so complete
Watched by shivering sun
Old eyes in a small child's face
Watching as the shadows race
Trough walls and cracks and leave no trace
And daylight's brightness shuns

The days of Pearly Spencer
The race is almost run

Nose pressed hard on frosted glass
Gazing as the swollen mass
On concrete fields where grows no grass
Stumbles blindly on
Iron trees smother the air
But withering they stand and stare
Trough eyes that neither know nor care
Where the grass is gone

The days of Pearly Spencer
The race is almost run

Pearly where's your milk white skin?
What that stubble on your chin?…


franco-galateo schreef op 04.01.2020 om 11:42 uur

I remotely remember the artist .. I would say that it is a good remix


Jochen-S schreef op 05.01.2020 om 11:03 uur

Hi, nice memory music, I grew up with this music ...
Greetings Jochen

Soundschill schreef op 05.01.2020 om 15:54 uur

Das war damals einer meiner lieblings Songs! Ich war da 13 Jahre alt 😉😌 Eine sehr gute Umsetzung des Songs! Wurden die Streicher mit Software erstellt oder sind das Samples?