why does the website not fill the screen on larger screens

mmh80431 schreef op 26.07.2012 om 20:50 uur

When I am working on my website the screen shows the whole pages but when I publish and close out the magix page and go to website from internet the website does not fill the screen on larger 22" lcd screens is there an option I need to fix on my web site maker page using website maker deluxe


gandjcarr schreef op 27.07.2012 om 11:35 uur


You need to set the page size of your pages to fit the screen size that you want it to fill.  Remember though that if you set it larger than what most users will have the page will be too large for smaller screens and people will have to scroll around.  How to set the page size is on page 31 of the manual.

Good luck

mmh80431 schreef op 27.07.2012 om 17:19 uur

Thank you very much, I have been looking right at that all this time, Your help was very appreciated,