foutmelding in vdl16 omtrent 3d maker

VDL16 schreef op 28.09.2010 om 12:19 uur

Error in VDL16 regarding 3D Maker


After the latest updates of vdl 16, I've got problems with 3D titles in my home made movies.


while loading a movie, a pop up says:

"An error has occured in Magix 3D Maker, at this moment no pictures can be shown. Try to undo recent changes."




samp schreef op 28.09.2010 om 15:41 uur

Hello, would it be possible for you to write beneath your question the same question in English?

Probably it would be easier to help....

Thank you...



samp schreef op 28.09.2010 om 16:17 uur

Hello, thank you, so it is much easier to help. And sorry, that I can´t help in this case.

If you don´t get an answer for too long, write this question again, so it will be seen on the beginning of the question list.

And if there is nobody to know about this problem contact support:

And there is someone whom you could contact directly: a member named isaak.

He knows a lot about VDL.


Kind regards
