
GPM123 ha scritto il 26.07.2010 ore 09:16
Hallo and welcome:)

The chromakey isn't  a way to make a movie.
Chroma key is a way to obtain certain results on the video, llike changing the color of part of the video, or superimpose many videos on each other.

The way to use it depends on the results you would like to have.

To get some help you should explain us better what you would like to do on your video.

GPM123 ha scritto il 26.07.2010 ore 12:03
To put a person on a different background you will have to register the speaking person on a neutral background.
Normally you wil have to use a green or blue background .
So you put the person in front of a big green area and start recoding ihm.

When he is finished you put the video on the timeline and use the chromakey to make the green "unvisible".

That is very easy since you have just to clic and activate the field greenbox, or blue box.
Green if you recorded on a green background, blue if you used a blue background

Only this way you can change the background of a speaking person or any other thing.

If you recorde the guy for example in the living room it  will be impossible to change the background.

check this video on you tube it is probably going to help you a lot understanding what i actually mean.