Questa canzone l'ho scritta e musicata all'età di ventanni...molti anni fa! Non sono un cantante e neanche un musicista, perciò perdonate stonature e altro, ma l'emozione che ho provato quando l'ho scritta, la ritrovo ancora adesso quando la riascolto. Spero di trasmettere anche a voi le mie sensazioni..
This song I wrote and set to music at the age of twenty years..many years ago! I'm not a singer nor a musician, so forgive dissonance and more, but the emotion I felt when I wrote the meeting even now when the playback.
...and walking with my head down to my way
I know I'll get to something
I come
but that effort, my soul!
..and the seasons pass away
songs like
soles are worn my dreams
it takes courage to tell you:-are you still mine? -
It's the life that consumes you
you just even the foam
of that wave that pushed you up from her's the joy that goes away
is the boredom of being alive
without her, her!