The Red Violin

Xanevik wrote on 3/25/2020, 8:36 PM
Tags: Other

The world has changed over night. I found myself stricken down by a Flu and then this other virus took over the world while I slept with fever. When I finally was able to make sense of it all I could only focus on one thing. It has been years since I have even touched the violin. This is my first time playing in what seems like a life time ago.


F.R.H. wrote on 3/26/2020, 1:47 AM

This is realy original - i like it... take care

franco-galateo wrote on 3/26/2020, 3:37 AM

overall it seems like a good track... interesting performance


Paulo.Costa wrote on 3/26/2020, 4:57 AM

Você toca muito bem Xanê. Parabéns viu...😊👍🏻

Paulo.Costa wrote on 3/26/2020, 4:58 AM

You play Violin, Xanê very well. Congratulations saw .

Jochen-S wrote on 3/26/2020, 6:22 AM

Hi, very nice and played with a lot of feelings by you...
I liked it and stay healthy...
Greetings Jochen

DJ_Wash-8aer. wrote on 3/26/2020, 10:09 AM

I cried together with the violin... God save us!!! Xanevik, you are the master of feelings!!!

BW & stay healthy!!!!!! WASH🖖🐼


Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 5/23/2020, 9:33 PM

Dear Kevin, Man this piece has so many emotions and your playing is amazing, my good friend! One of your most moving pieces of music, Brother! What an amazing violin player you are, man! I'm glad you're feeling better and please stay safe and healthy, man! I love the sound of your red violin; it's beautiful, Kevin!!! Simply bone-chilling good here! I hope you and Adi do that collaboration. I'd love to hear a new collaboration from both of you, Kevin! If you do get in touch with, Adi please tell him I love him. I think he may be a little miffed at me at the moment, and that doesn't feel good. All the best to you, my good friend. You're a great composer and musician! Your Friend and Fan Always, Clay8-)💯👍👍👍👍👍

Siggi-M wrote on 8/16/2020, 12:02 PM

Hi Xanevik,I can understand your feelings in your solo very well.this virus changes the way we live and makes us more was a pleasure to listen to your game.👌👍

Wishing you all the best !!!
