fetter339 wrote on 1/20/2019, 11:22 AM
Tags: Other


Nut House - Sorry if anyone is offended. Let me know and I'll change the theme. Nut House was originally conceived and tracked totally ITB in 2014. It has been restructured, remixed and mastered on 1/20/2019 at 12:15 PM EST.

FYI - The first few bars of the guitar solo was borrowed from the '70s theme music of a hit radio station in Michigan.



DJ_Wash-8aer. wrote on 1/20/2019, 1:32 PM

Hallo, Sir Fetter! Mal wieder ein geiles Ding von dir!!! Ich weiß es ist schwer für dich ohne Gitarre auszukommen, aber ich würde gerne einige Stücke ohne Gitarren solo hören, weil die ist schon recht dominant bei dir und manchmal geht die Melodie (einige sind richtig interessant!!!) verloren... Sorry, aber so fühle ich...

See you, hear you!!! Wash🖖🐼

Former user wrote on 1/20/2019, 2:10 PM


An interesting theme Fetter,


The guitar illustrates well, the feeling of this room

if it offends, it will be seen or interpreted in this way only by those who would like it to be so...for my part I do not see any


fetter339 wrote on 1/20/2019, 2:16 PM

Hello, Sir Fetter! Another awesome thing from you !!! I know it's hard for you to do without a guitar, but I'd like to hear some songs without guitars solo, because they are quite dominant and sometimes the melody (some are really interesting !!!) is lost ... Sorry, but that's how I feel ...

Thanks for the great constructive critique... I concur.