
VeckStarling_aka_RoyAlanis wrote on 6/15/2019, 9:15 PM

And sometimes noise is a good thing. This is one of those times. Nice job.

Xanevik wrote on 6/15/2019, 9:32 PM

Thank you Veck Starling. I was asking myself why do I do this stuff? I really dont have a solid answer. I have went broke many times over gathering instruments, surrounding myself with them, to play them and open my self up like a can of sardines. For what? It helps with anxiety at times and causes it in other times. Live performance is how I role. Soon as I start multi tracking it feels less alive to me. So I capture everything I can do live in one recording most the times. This one is one of those times with a drum machine and synth. I could have crafted a more complicated drum pattern but was in the moment with the synth and hit record to see what happens and this happened. Thank you for the opportunity to go deeper into this one with words. Thank you.

DJ_Wash-8aer. wrote on 6/16/2019, 5:29 AM

This noise ist great!!! For my ears, who love juicy and harder sounds, this is the music, very epic and dangerous, bravo Xan !!!

Best washes!!!! WASH 🖖🐼

Huck wrote on 6/20/2019, 5:33 AM

gerne gehört