My newest creation "PeakEclipse"

stephen-turnock wrote on 1/31/2017, 5:35 PM
Tags: Music videos, Slideshow, Short films, Animation
Width: 1280
Height: 720
Duration: 08:06
Format: mp4

My newest creation "PeakEclipse" went a bit classical as I try out some new virtual instrument software and Akai midi keyboard. Cut together with some scenes from the Glorious Peak District and one or two north west scenes you may notice from the north and west UK.

I spent a lot of time doing this one but a learning curve along the way.

Now I need to get out as that cabin fever kicks in so will be looking forward to getting out in Gods creation for 2017.

Camera was mostly a Sony RX100 MK1 which must be the ultimate hike proof and lightweight camera - also a great video camera. Also used here is a basic GoPro plus a windows phone - Nokia 950.

my music is here :

blog - sometimes

twitter - @stephenturnock