Keep radiation away-Japan

nihon94 wrote on 3/18/2011, 7:09 AM
Keep radiation away-Japan
Camera manufacturer: CASIO COMPUTER CO.,LTD.
Camera model: EX-V7
Width: 3072
Height: 2304
Focal distance: 6.3 mm
Shutter speed: 1/320 s
Flash: Flash did not fire, auto
ISO: 64
Creation date: 3/8/2008, 7:34 PM

This is tought time in Japan. Tsunami,Earthquake now Nuclear Plant leak.

I have made a poster to express the feelings. Specially about Nuclear plant radiation.

It was difficult to use computer in load shedding but I tried my best to make poster

as much good as I can.


This is a time when Japan need you.

You can use poster in non commercial work.


I shall be thankful to you if you can pass this poster to friends.

If I am not wrong I have also uploaded here


Video is also available


Thank you



GPM123 wrote on 3/18/2011, 7:31 AM

Dear nihon,


I'm deeply concerned about the situation of japan and especially of the Miyagy Prefecture.


I feel very sorry for all the people living there that are going trough this incredibly dangeorus experience.


I will definetly spread your artwork as much as i can.


Take care of yourself.



B59fly wrote on 3/18/2011, 11:52 AM

The catastrophe that has happened to you makes me very sad and I am so sorry that you have to just suffer. I send you and your people very much strength.

Cordial greeting Brigitte

Njego wrote on 3/18/2011, 12:42 PM

I am much sorrowful for disaster that happened your great people !!!!!

Mannes_Fotos wrote on 3/18/2011, 1:56 PM

Ich kann dir von Herzen meine Erschütterung und Mitgefühl sagen. In meiner FC ist auf der Startseite seit Beginn der Katastrophe meine Anteilnahme geschrieben. Ich hoffe fpr das Volk , daß nicht noch Schlimmeres geschieht.



I can tell you from my heart my shock and sympathy. In my FC is written on the front page since the disaster my sympathy. I hope for the people, not that even worse things happen.


datamix wrote on 3/18/2011, 2:44 PM

thanks, I support your initiative


Rana wrote on 3/18/2011, 11:28 PM

Dear Ari,


It is so very unfortunate and we are with you. At times I feel was it really nature against mankind or was it just an act of nature to balance the imbalance but whatever, leave the economic issues aside - what concerns me more is the trauma and after effects of this terrible nightmare.


Whatever little we can do...we are doing and will continue to do.





Former user wrote on 3/19/2011, 6:35 AM

Mein Freund.

Es tut mir unendlich leid,was in eurem schönen Land vorgefallen ist.Zu viele Katastrophen und zu viele tote Menschen.

Vernichtende Gewalten...,haben aus dem Nichts grausame Zerstörung hinterlassen.

Existenzen sind bedroht und dieses Ausmaß an natureller Brutalität werden noch viele Menschen, über Jahrzehnte und Jahrhunderte spüren.Auch wenn ihr mir fremd seid...trauere ich mit deinem Volk, um alles verlorene.Meine Familie und ich...beobachten regelmäßig in den Medien, was bei euch passiert.Wir beten und hoffen das es nicht noch schlimmer wird.Wir werden auch spenden...auch wenn es nur ein Tropfen auf dem heißem Stein ist.Vielleicht trägt es einen Teil von Hilfe bei.Wir sind in Gedanken bei euch...ihr seit nicht allein.
vom Herzen alles Gute


samp wrote on 3/19/2011, 2:00 PM

I am so sorry for all you have to endure....

Now there is a little bit of hope that more radiation will be kept back...

but on the other side radiation has been found in food.

So this is a terrible desaster for all whose home country is Japan....

they are forced to live with this threat... that is awful!


All my admiration is with the people at the plant who do not give in and stay and do their best...


Radiation is really a terrible threat for mankind!!!!!!

We all have to think it over to waste energy without asking how it is supplied.


All my best


jorual wrote on 3/20/2011, 4:50 AM



Gruss Jorual.

john-auvil wrote on 3/21/2011, 11:49 AM

My thoughs and prayers are with all of Japan in this terrible time. Japan needs us all to do what we can, not just finacially. Japan is such a beautiful country, with amazing people and culture. This disaster has shaken the core of just how fragile we all are.


I truly appreciate you sharing with me this poster, and I will share it as well with others.




Former user wrote on 3/21/2011, 9:31 PM

Hallo nihon,


leider ist mein Englisch zu miserabel um die passenden Worte zu finden. Ich hoffe, du kannst den Text trotzdem verstehen oder dir übersetzen lassen. Und bevor ich es mit Übersetzungsprogramm versuche, welche meist der Text falsch oder schlecht übersetzt wird, schreibe ich es besser auf deutsch.


Die Katastrophe, die deinem Volk zugestoßen ist, hat mich sehr traurig gemacht. Seit vielen Jahren beschäftige ich mich ein wenig mit eurer Kultur, da sie mir auf eine gewisse Weise sehr naheliegt und ich mich ihr "verbunden" fühle. Wesentlich mehr als irgend einem westlichen Land.


Die Nachrichten über die Ereignisse, welche sich laufend änderten (oder vorausgegangene wieder dementiert wurden...), machten mich fassungs- und sprachlos.


Ich hoffe und bete für alle Japaner, dass es nicht noch schlimmer kommt, als es schon ist. Obwohl mir die finanziellen Mittel fehlen, werde ich trotzdem eine Spende einer entsprechenden Organisation zugute kommen lassen. 


In meinen Gedanken bin ich bei euch.


Frank a.k.a. deKnips


p.s.: ich habe eine Bekannte die im Süden Japans lebt. Sie und ihre Familie hatten wohl Glück gehabt. 

holie wrote on 3/22/2011, 5:17 PM

With greatest affection I will support you, dear friend Ari, for sure ! 

We pray for the best !


Regards !  karin

moor wrote on 3/23/2011, 2:56 AM



good that you stand still bij japan. great greetings moor

Former user wrote on 3/23/2011, 11:28 AM

Twelve days have passed -and still the same kind of bad news every day!

I am very worried about the situation that the Japanese are forced to cope with.

With you in my thoughts

Barusse wrote on 3/26/2011, 12:06 PM

Very good initiative
After a disaster of this magnitude, we can only support the suffering people.
The Japanese are worthy and brave, and I wish them strength and courage to hope
With best regards

Former user wrote on 5/19/2011, 3:53 PM


Former user wrote on 6/10/2011, 1:43 PM

very good    5*****

Former user wrote on 6/25/2011, 11:20 PM

Good and important. 5s!

Former user wrote on 7/2/2011, 10:18 PM

Aprecio mucho un corazon NOBLE...Gracias por este valioso mensaje.Un saludo de Om...

nirvanray wrote on 10/19/2013, 6:57 AM

Very noble work. Good MAGIX is also becoming a good platform to share opinions.