

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/23/2020, 3:03 PM

Hello Paulo,

As always you have created a great track,I've enjoyed listening to it!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Hi @Jinty 😀😀👍🏻👍🏻 thank you my Friend Dear Jinty!!

VeckStarling_aka_RoyAlanis wrote on 7/23/2020, 9:30 PM

The rhythm and beat of the music juxtaposed with the rhythm of the voice makes for a great contrast. Like you are able to do quite often, you achieve a sense of melancholy with this piece of music. I am not sure if that is what you set out to do. But it's what it does for me. Great job, my friend. Stay safe. ~ Véck

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/24/2020, 8:06 AM

The rhythm and beat of the music juxtaposed with the rhythm of the voice makes for a great contrast. Like you are able to do quite often, you achieve a sense of melancholy with this piece of music. I am not sure if that is what you set out to do. But it's what it does for me. Great job, my friend. Stay safe. ~ Véck


That's right. I wanted to do a chillout, but I saw that the rhythm that I created in the melody of the vocal, was too agitated to be something fluid, ethereal, like that for the Chillout or Ambiente style. So I decided to put on some beats and increase the speed of the music, that's what I discovered that I had just invented a House-Music or Groiver-Music by accident. 😀👍🏻 Thank you Friend!!

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/13/2020, 8:06 AM


Nice Intro with a sweet Melody.

And then... wham ! ! ! What a good soundin´Beat and Rhythm.

Only a little bit too loud for the Rest, but it´s only a little bit.

Great Song, really. Nice nice. Go on that Way, you´re gettin´better and better.

LG, Pic😎


Thank you Picnic Boy 😀💎 That's right, it's a sweet melody, after all, it's a romantic theme!


Obrigado Amigo Picnicboy 😀💎

Isso mesmo, é uma doce melodia, afinal, é um tema romântico!

Last changed by Paulo.Costa on 9/13/2020, 8:30 AM, changed a total of 4 times.

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