A song for the haunted holiday.
Lyrics, vocals, and arrangement by Ian Michalski.
Show some affection for our creepy confection
and we'll slip you a taste.
Get you a mouth full,
don't let a sweet thing go to waste.
The world's gonna want it
Grind their teeth on it
So it's been said
And who all could blame us
if it makes us famous
after we're dead?
Hear the accolades for the treat we made
Our candy skulls
And though they're slightly morbid
the children say they are craveable
See them chomping down and running round
aint it beautiful?
When every trick or treater is a loyal eater of
candy skulls
We stand on our lawn with our makeup on
this Halloween night
You're holding my hand
and we both understand that everything's right
Kids come around and they're forming a line
stretching seven blocks down
To see the two freaks with the ghoulish sweets
we're the talk of the town
It doesn't matter who you are
or where you're from
there is no one can resist
a candy cranium