Wrong aspect ratio

Flicker wrote on 2/4/2010, 10:33 AM
Hello there, I'm very new to video editing and have a problem that I can't solve so I hope someone who is more experienced can.  I have a new JVC digital camcorder which records in 16:9 aspect ratio.  I backed up a short ( 16 minutes ) video to disc.  I then played this disc in my Sony DVD player and all is normal.  I then bought Movie Editor Pro 15 Plus and imported the video.  At this stage the video plays correctly i.e 16:9 with black bars top and bottom of the 4:3 preview window.I then added a title with a fade-in and went to the Burn screen.  I previewed the video and all was well, correct aspect ratio,correct title and fade.  I then hit the burn button and the programme told me that the burn was successful, however, when I tried to play the completed video in my DVD player it was stretched horizontally and had black bars top and bottom.    What am I doing wrong?    Mike


Flicker wrote on 2/19/2010, 11:02 AM
Hello again.  I have managed to solve my problem.  I misunderstood an instruction when I first imported the film from DVD.  The programme asked if I wanted to adjust the aspect ratio and, thinking that this would alter my input from 16:9 to 4:3 I clicked on " Do not adjust ".  However it didn't mean that at all so when I tried clicking on " Adjust " it all worked correctly.

I hope this helps someone else.   Mike