Working withe Pro 11. All my videos come in as about 5- 10 second

Dstruchen wrote on 7/26/2009, 10:50 AM
Using video from Canon Digital Videocam. Videos are on finalized dvd. On the dvd they are 28 minutes on 1 disc and 30 minutes on the 2nd disc. In the timeline I am getting short cuts of 5sec and 0 second. I have even saved the video's on my hard drive and still am unable to load the video in full lenght.


ralftaro wrote on 7/28/2009, 11:33 AM

Make sure you got the patch for Movie Edit Pro 11 installed. Makes a significant difference when it comes to the handling of DVD/MPEG-2 camera material. If you're still not getting on, you might probably want to have a look at one of the newer Movie Edit Pro versions.