
ralftaro wrote on 3/24/2009, 1:41 PM
Hi there,

I assume you mean that you installed the available patch for Movie Edit Pro 11 to work under Windows Vista. If not, please do that now. The program is not compatible with Vista in its out-of-the-box state, so installing the patch is definitely a requirement. Also, I'd suggest running the program by right-clicking it and choosing "Run as Administrator". So far, this is all just to ensure functionality under Vista.

As far as this import problem is concerned, it's probably related to a missing codec. AVI is a container format and can accommodate all kinds of video and audio codecs. Possibly, the relevant codec just hasn't found its way onto your new, freshly installed operating system yet. You could use a codec analyzer tool like GSpot to establish what codecs are being used in your files. You will have to locate and install the relevant codecs to enable Movie Edit Pro to handle the AVI files in question.

I suppose you could also go for a little less "scientific" approach and start out by installing the following fairly extensive codec pack for Vista:

This might sort you out pretty quickly. Personally, I'd probably not do it, since it also tends to clutter your system with a whole bunch of codecs you won't need, possibly still not including the single one codec you do need.

If you're still not getting on with this, just let us know and maybe provide a sample file of the material you're trying to import.

ralftaro wrote on 3/28/2009, 5:12 AM
Hi again,

Congrats on resolving the AVI import issue. Seems like you've run into some possibly burning-related problem now. When exactly does your system blue-screen? When you switch to the burning tab, when you initiate the burning/encoding process or right when the program progresses from the encoding to the disc-writing?

Chances are this is some kind of software/driver conflict between MEP and another application or background task that is also trying to communicate with your burner. So, you might want to try eliminating anything that may get in the way. Make sure you got up-to-date burn routines installed from the Magix support website and your burner's firmware is up-to-date, too. Try removing USB devices that you don't need during the burning process.

Also, I can't emphasize enough that you will need the patch for version 11 of Movie Edit Pro installed for Vista compatibility, especially when it comes to burning. I figured you already had it, based on what you said in your initial post, but just in case...  :)  The patch is really important if you're using this application under Vista.

I hope this helps.