Will MEP15 export in HD to youtube? MEP14 only will do HQ.

unland1 wrote on 3/16/2009, 9:41 AM

I have recorded a show in HD and can only get it to export to youtube in HQ. My question is can you export to youtube and keep in HD via MEP15? This would be the only thing that would make me purchase this product. The quality is good in HQ but I think it is even better in HD. For others out there with somewhat of a similar question about export quality, I found that converting to mpeg4 is the best when exporting to something like youtube.


InfernusMikey wrote on 4/24/2009, 1:33 PM
I am having this EXACT problem with 15, and I BOUGHT the downloaded version. I have done everything I can think of except turn the program inside out, and I STILL can't do it.

If you discover a way, PLEASE let me know.

My videos look OKAY in HQ, but the HD files look razor sharp and it urks me to no end that for about three weeks now I have NOT been able to find the right combination of adjustments to do it.

MAN, am I frustrated!
InfernusMikey wrote on 4/24/2009, 8:18 PM
I FINALLY figured this puzzle out tonight. I looked on YouTube's website and they say they recomment WMV or Quicktime. I exported the file as Quicktime and the film was uploaded correctly.