Why is my video playback jerky?

tvpilot wrote on 12/23/2008, 12:14 AM
I'm having trouble editing MPEG files.  When I play them back, and when I burn them, the video tends to skip, or playback jerky.  I've already tried adjusting the cache. I dont know what else to try.  I'm using Movie Edit Pro 14 on a Dell with an AMD Athlon Dual Core 5600+ 2.80 GHz, with 4GB RAM and  nearly 200 GB of hard drive space.  Help!


ralftaro wrote on 12/23/2008, 6:56 AM

Exactly what kind of material are you using - MPEG-2 or MPEG-4? If that is MPEG-2 material, please try the following: After importing your sources files into Movie Edit Pro, right-click on the video track of each object in timeline mode and apply the function to create a new frame table.

Most problems of this ilk are pure realtime preview problems and nothing to worry about. However, if you actually get the same problem on the rendered DVDs, this deserves a second look and you should definitely try the above approach first.
ralftaro wrote on 12/23/2008, 10:01 AM
Thanks for the additional info. I'm not that familiar with TiVo, but this does support reception and recording in HD, doesn't it? Would this happen to be HD MPEG-2 material by any chance?

Also, can you check and confirm again whether your final, rendered project (e.g. created DVD or MPEG-2 file exported via the "File" menu) actually still shows the playback problems after creating the new frame table? Or is this a pure preview problem in Movie Edit Pro now?

Any chance you could upload a sample file of the kind of material you're having problems with?