Why does MEP14 asks fro 5264MB more?

Mani69 wrote on 1/24/2009, 3:54 PM
Hi, I am trying to burn a DVD. I made a movie which is 120minutes long. When i export the files to be burned, it is below the actual limit of the blank DVD. The process starts encoding, but after it finishes step 4/4, it says it needs an additional 5264MB.
I am using a new DVD-R disk. The encoder setting is set to deafault, and is for PAL 4:3...
Please Help.

PS: I have previously been successful in burning a DVD, but now is a problem.


chirva_a_s wrote on 1/25/2009, 6:40 AM
Probably, the program after coding creates an image for record, further this image burn on DVD-disk. If on your hard disk there is enough place - the program simply has no place to keep this temporary image. Whether you need to check up there is on your hard disk enough place. On-default all temporary files the program stores on disk C.