
SP. wrote on 2/1/2023, 9:10 AM

@Former user Here is your answer

I've reached out to someone internal at Magix to see if we can get clarification, or a gesture of goodwill and get the bugfix back ported, or at least get confirmation of whether Acid Pro 10 is EoL so those of you on AP10 definitively know where you stand.

An update on how I see things within Magix.

The bug feedback thread was posted by the then Magix community manager, who left the organisation a few months back, which has left us moderators in a difficult spot. This was the second Redaktion in a few years, so read in to that what you will. As moderators we no longer have an official community manager point of contact or route for escalating issues - this the main reason I've been less active on the forums and considering rescinding my moderator role.

That said, us moderators do have A contact, and for now, at least, moderator-specific communication is good. By that I mean actual moderation of the forum. But product-specific communication, or requests for feedback etc is not so good. I do not know what's happening internally with Acid, for example. I'd love to be volunteer community product manager for Acid and get an open and transparent dialog going with the internal teams.. but I don't think that will happen.

Former user wrote on 2/1/2023, 10:04 AM

@SP. I've read all this before and I know what it says. Every so often it's nice to remind magix of what they 'officially' said. The 'Magix community manager, who left the organization' was writing as an official spokesman for magix. ... in the end it's a rhetorical question, isn't it?

blake-fast wrote on 2/12/2023, 7:34 AM

it come to a point where you really have to question the quality of the developers working (and i use that term loosely ) on the project there was more progress when it was dormant under sony !

why not reach out to the guys from sonic foundry the original development team to have a look at it ? apart from becoming 64bit compatible the program is in worse shape when magix bought the rights it an unworkable shambles to put it mildly , midi is 42 years old and the midi implementation is no better than a 1980's program , it has major issues how it handles vst's (even magix own vst's ) it seems to struggle to use available ram (in earlier verisons you could allocate how much was used ) and usually tracks start to stutter and grind to halt with cpu under 50% and ram 20% how exactly can this be after all theses years without any noticeable attempt to fix these issues ?

SP. wrote on 2/12/2023, 1:18 PM

@blake-fast If I understood it correctly the original developers still work mostly on Sound Forge and Vegas but with Magix as the publisher instead of Sony. If ACID doesn't sell because most music creators use Logic or Fruity Loops, then I wouldn't get my hopes up that something will change in this regard.

ACID runs pretty stable if you don't use VSTs or use a VST chaining plugin like Waves Studio Rack or Blue Cat Audio Patchwork instead of ACIDs internal VST interface. With this you can work with it without too many issues.

blake-fast wrote on 2/19/2023, 3:27 AM

hi sp thank you for your comment , but to say acid is pretty stable if you dont use vsts is pretty nuts unless you have a massive budget a large studio space and unlimited access to any piece of hardware know to man ! using vsts is part of the music making process and has been for approx the last 25 years and in a nutshell you have deribed acids problems poepole use logic and fruity loos because most of the time they work, fruity was early only on a similar level to acid in the early days but development has taken it to is current position i didnt use fruity then and i still dont but if you compare it to acid now its streets apart the development is obvious i have clients than have to remake whole album projects because when it reaches the mixing stage twe have the projectsthey made in acid cannot handle the amount of synths and effects that they require to finish trackand either they end up making serious compromises to get a track finished or just end up with a stuttering mess complete with audio clicks and artifacts after attempting to render. It still shocks me in 2023 how poor it has become

SP. wrote on 2/19/2023, 12:50 PM

@blake-fast Try Waves Studio Rack and load your VST3 plugins there. It's free. This should make things more tolerable.

blake-fast wrote on 3/5/2023, 7:42 AM

thanks sp im going to give it a try worth a shot