Website looks terrible online

gary-tayman wrote on 5/9/2019, 10:05 PM

Here's the issue:  I'm using Xara Web Designer Premium 16.1.  My host also has sitelock, which I believe is related to the issue.  I made a new home page and it looks wonderful.  However, partway down the page I have a gray box titles "NEWS" with the date.  Every few days I make changes to this box, and therein is the problem.  It looks perfect in the previews, but online it looks horrible.  Things like black text instead of red, text running outside the box, bolded, underscored text running together such that it is unreadable, and so on.  I think a good part of this problem is that Sitelock makes a mirror-image of the site, so an update is not immediately seen.  Plus, it appears to me that there are formatting files associated with the page, that are tucked away in the related folder.  I think part of the problem is that the new page gets updated but the new format remains in limbo for awhile.  Out of frustration I removed the gray box and replaced it with a banner.  Fine, but the text is huge and runs off the page.  Firefox, Chrome, and Explorer all look different, and all are a mess.  Maybe it'll fix itself after several days, but for now it's a mess, and possibly unreadable depending on browser.  Once the format is fixed, I just plan to change the text itself, but who knows how long it'll be this bad?

Any help is appreciated.  My website, if you want to look at it, is  I'm open to suggestions.




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