Video Tutorial

Royalott wrote on 6/16/2010, 7:54 AM
are there on like video tutorials showing how to us the Magix PhotoStory program?  I went to Youtube, as some suggested and all I find is the same video under different names and it is just an ad.

I have the manual but there are many of us that learn better by seeing, not by reading. Iam one of them. This program is very confusing to me and since I also have a life, I would like to spend less time reading and getting frustrated and more time makng slide show


john-auvil wrote on 6/16/2010, 12:02 PM
Which version  of PhotoStory do you have, I can see about throwing something basic together allowing you import, transition, export/burn.

I think you also have a drop down menu for tasks that have some videos that show you a few other things.

Otherwise you can asks specific questions about the software and some of use can explain them.