I purchased Magix music maker 16 Download version last year & basically i wasted my money because this program does NOT integrate whatever with it's own contents packs, i have tried over 50 times to get these packs to install into the program & nothing works!! you download them all and then you click on the packs & they say they are installing, now the BIG QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!! where in the name of sanity have they installed to?????????????????? it certainly isn't in to the program so god knows where they are, i don't even think Magix knows (or cares) cos as far as i am concerned this software is not compatable with it's own content packs & these sites verify this . how many dis- satified customers are on this site saying the same thing? is there anybody out there who can solve this Riddle or is it just best to uninstall this garbage software & look elsewhere, Magix i'm afraid your software is total garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!