USB Video Converter

thecardman wrote on 4/10/2010, 5:59 AM
I am trying to install the USB Video Converter that came with Rescue Your Videotapes V2.0 onto a PC running XP and it will not do so.  The rest of the installation has run smoothly yet the PC will not recognise the Converter and constantly fails to find the driver that I have installed onto my PC.

What am I doing wrong?!  I have downloaded the drivers on the German page but that did not work either.

Any advice that will help will be most appreciated as this is starting to REALLY annoy me.




Man o' Lakes wrote on 4/12/2010, 4:48 AM
Hi Peter,

this is what they sent me -

Download the following driver directly from the link below, and unzip it.

Now turn ALL security software OFF: all antivirus software etc. Very important! The easiest way to do this is to start Windows in Windows Safe Mode

Disconnect all other USB devices, including hubs (this advice also applies when subsequently recording videos). Attach the red and white USB device directly to a USB port on your computer.

Should the automatic Windows installer pop up the moment you plug in the USB device,  stop it.

In the file you have 'unzipped',  you will see a setup.exe file.

Run this, ie double click on it and follow the installation instructions which appear.

Worked for me.

Good luck

M o' L
thecardman wrote on 4/13/2010, 11:44 AM
Many thanks for your help!  I've got the USB Converter sorted.  Now, to work out why the audio keeps dropping out!