Upgrades, upgrades, upgrades!

gary-tayman wrote on 11/24/2020, 7:59 AM


I've purchased Xara Web Designer Premium, used it for my website, and it looks great! But then, I saw an offer for Web Designer Pro 16, and decided to upgrade. That's when the trouble began. For starters I didn't see much in the way of new features that I would use, but I had problems with compatibility with the pages I wrote in Premium and with Pro. As it is, I run a business and don't have much time -- so I rewrite my site one page at a time. Now my site is a jumble between pages written in Dreamweaver, Sharepoint, Xara Premium, Xara Pro, and an online builder. Sure, as I update certain pages (rewrite from scratch and totally replace), I'll use Xara Pro. But now I'm getting messages that my one-year subscription is about to expire, and I need to update. Looks like the only update option is to buy Pro 17! Even that is not so bad except it installs this in addition to all the others! Will I have to rewrite all my Xara pages again in 17? I don't want my computer filled up with a bunch of web software programs, I want ONE piece of software, preferably Xara, and be done with it! Further, you have a Pro "Special" upgrade for $129, while Premium is available new for $49 in places. But now many of my pages are written in Pro.

PLEASE give me your recommendation -- I want ONE program for all my pages, hopefully without starting everything from scratch every year! Please tell me what I should do! Ideally I either want to simply update the service on my Pro 16, or upgrade to 17 IF IT IS FULLY COMPATIBLE with my existing pages.

PS -- I also have Sound Forge, and until recently have upgraded it every time until recently, and that only because I'm not using it as much, but still love it.



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