Unable to instal a copy of Movies on CD & DVD,

david-peverley wrote on 6/21/2018, 9:46 AM

I have tried to instal a copy of an old product, Movies on CD & DVD 6.0, on my computer, Windows 7, 64-bit, where th system has crashed but it is now re-installed so I am having to find the details for, a lot of the programs I have forgotten about, so i have lost a great deal, all my burning software has gone but I still have the 2 discs for the magix version,3.0 and 6.0 but find I am unable to complete, the versioin 3.0 instals but the other one, the version 6.0 asks me for another code other than that on the disc, it has generated a series of Nos but do not understamd the significance, or is it just a waste of time, being an old version, just trying to save money at present, being an elderly person


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