I have one of these trail cameras. I've set it up to do timelapse i.e. one photo each minute. I've changed the settings in Magix Video Pro X for photos to one frame and then import 999 images. Magix Video Pro X recognises the import as a timelapse and offers to create a video, which it does. However, due to some reason the video is out of sequence. As the following photo shows of two separate imports. The first is where the timelapse began around 11am during the day. However Magix has appended in front of the beginning some of the last images. The same with the second import. It was supposed to start where the first import left off, but at random it's put a number of images in between. Pretty annoying that it can't import and sequence the images in the order they were taken. i.e. the files have sequencial names starting from DSCF0001.JPG to DSCF0999.JPG, plus the creation timestamp is one minute apart in sequence. Has anyone seen this and/or is there any way to stop this behaviour? I'm running the latest version X14 Version (UPD3).. Rgds, Simmi