time/date from surveillance video will not show on dvd playback

trekowner wrote on 5/27/2009, 5:41 PM
Surveillance software:  Milestone XProtect

Magix MEP 15 Plus

I am attempting to transfer video footage (avi format) to DVD.  In editing, preview and just prior to burning the time/date stamp shows, once the video is played back on dvd the time/date stamp is not seen and I lost part of the top and bottem of video on screen.  I have adjusted all of the screen options (normal, zoom, wide zoom, 4:3 normal) and the video remains the same.  Time stamp on the video preview is in the far top left of the screen.


ralftaro wrote on 5/28/2009, 11:17 AM

Just sounds like parts of your video are cut off when playing it back on the TV, which is a pretty normal occurrence, often referred to as "TV cropping". There's a setting in the program to compensate for this effect. Go into the "Movie effects settings" (hotkey: CTRL+B) and switch to the "TV cropping" tab. Here you make the settings for the compensation by specifying a percentage on each side of the frame. Make sure to tick the checkbox to actually apply the setting to videos (and photos, if needed). A black frame will be generated in the areas that are not visible on your TV later on and the actual content will be shrunk into the visible center of the screen. You might want to check the manual and burn the anti TV cropping project first, in order to establish the perfect settings for your DVD player/TV.

I hope this helps.