Song title placement when submitting videos, automatically placed

Mark_Kostora wrote on 9/16/2024, 4:36 PM

When my very first video was submitted to the Magix info media section I noticed that my name and song title were placed automatically on the second object frame (image) on the video. That worked out perfectly for me since the first object frame was a song cover that I had originally made for the song on other platforms. And the second object frame (image) was the first picture in the video other then my original song cover and was used as the media song cover shown in the Magix info media section. After running the video, my original cover image was shown first then followed by the remaining images in the video. My video was made using Movie Studio Platinum 2025. Does this happen all the time or did I somehow set that myself without knowing it? Since I will normally use my original song cover as the first image in the video, using my second image as the media song cover with the automatically applied name and title is preferable. Hopefully I am being clear enough on this question. I am new to the Magix platform and to Movie Studio.

Thank You



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