Smooth transitions

Datorhead wrote on 12/8/2021, 9:03 AM

I have been using Acid Pro since version 7 and occasionally bought upgrades. I'm now on version 9 and I'm being offered version 10.5 at a discount. However, there is one thing I really miss in the software - making smooth transitions between playing speeds/pitches (whether time-stretching, pitch-bending or re-pitching). So far every version makes transitions in steps with short mutes between them, even in the final rendered result. I would understand that while editing, but I would expect a "pro" software to be capable of rendering a smooth transition. I have a 20+ year old software that can do it - although its timestretch/pitchbend algorithm is very rudimentary, id does not make the transition in audible steps and mutes, and it does a flawless re-pitch.

So, my question here is, does 10.5 finally do this? If not, the discount is of little comfort.


yuza-i wrote on 12/10/2021, 12:15 AM

if that's the only issue you're having currently i wouldn't upgrade as of now if i were you. the 10.5 version has a lot of bugs that previous versions don't have. or you could buy it at the discount and wait until the new patch to install.

sheppo wrote on 12/10/2021, 1:41 PM

hi @Datorhead

The core audio engine hasn’t been upgraded in a way that would affect this in a few versions that i can see. These volume envelopes are still visible if you set a tempo transition and zoom right in. They’re still audible too.

However, in my experience, the setting to set the clip cross fade length affects these transitions, and a setting of 2 or 3 essentially removes them. This works also in the version you already own.


but (there’s always a but isn’t there!?), you will find if you have a large portion of your audio project with tempo transitions, and a lot of waveforms on the timeline, having the cross fade set to higher numbers will slow the timeline navigation down significantly, even when zoomed out Acid is redrawing each of those crossfades. Personally i set the cross fade at 0 until i do my final render then set it to 2 or 3.

Datorhead wrote on 12/10/2021, 1:52 PM

I thought so too. I must check the crossfade settings, it will probably solve time stretches adequately. Pitch changes are more problematic.