I have been using Acid Pro since version 7 and occasionally bought upgrades. I'm now on version 9 and I'm being offered version 10.5 at a discount. However, there is one thing I really miss in the software - making smooth transitions between playing speeds/pitches (whether time-stretching, pitch-bending or re-pitching). So far every version makes transitions in steps with short mutes between them, even in the final rendered result. I would understand that while editing, but I would expect a "pro" software to be capable of rendering a smooth transition. I have a 20+ year old software that can do it - although its timestretch/pitchbend algorithm is very rudimentary, id does not make the transition in audible steps and mutes, and it does a flawless re-pitch.
So, my question here is, does 10.5 finally do this? If not, the discount is of little comfort.