Slow and Choppy Video - Movie Edit Pro 15

Buffy9161980 wrote on 7/6/2009, 5:21 PM
After Editing my video, in the Playback screen, it seems to load slow and is choppy.  I have added additional effects to the video via plug-in from Pro-Dad-VistaScene.  Is this the issue, or can the quality be changed?  It seems like it is playing in slow motion almost.   I am using the Movie Edit Pro 15.  Thanks!!!


ralftaro wrote on 7/8/2009, 8:57 AM

If you apply a complex effect that affects the entire movie (or at least a long object), I wouldn't be surprised if the realtime performance takes a nosedive. There are some options in the program settings, where you can compromise playback quality for the sake of realtime playback performance. You should also check and make sure that your system meets the requirements of Movie Edit Pro and whether there's a simple and cheap way to get some extra performance out of it, e.g. a RAM upgrade if you have little RAM at this point. Even just optimizing your software configuration (by eliminating unnecessary background/start-up tasks) might be beneficial to the performance.

I hope this helps.

massi04 wrote on 7/17/2009, 3:28 AM
Hi Buffy,

I am working with MEP 15 for some time now and followed these compromises. It is really useful to reduce the playback quality when editing. Notice, this will not have any effect on the quality of the DVD.
Disconnect completely from the internet und stop firewall and virus scanner etc. This gives me also an acceptable full screen display.

I hope this might help in addition