Ok I just purchased Samplitude Music Studio 2015 and I have to say Magix botched this one GUI wise. this is not an upgrade from 2014. one major throw back is that you cannot undock the Carbon Mixer and on alll the mixers if you have more than 8 tracks you have to scroll to see past the 8th. Clearly someone who doesn't do a lot of recording designed that feature (NOT) this was a terrible idea, most of us that do a lot of recording have 2 monitors and keep the mixer in one of them which cannot be done anymore sense you cannot undock it. ALso the buttons look cheesy like a childs sofware not a proffessional software. besides a few bugs on 2014 I found the look and feel to be just like Pro X but not in 2015 no no no if you were expecting this to be an upgrade then think again. OK under the hood I am sure Magix fixed some bugs but they did a number to the GUI I would guess that this was some marketing expert haha that thought he knew what he was doing but I say Magix fire this person and go back to your original design that you have had for years esepcially with the Mixer inteface and get rid of those goofy icons on the left and big buttons on the top of the screen. 2014 had a very nice interface which was much more professional looking and the functionality was more professional. I feel after I use this for a week or two I will be asking for a refund. Magix I plead with you to spend more time fixing bugs and adding more feature and leave the GUI alone PLEASE! a very unstatisfied long time (since 2000 delux) user of your product.