Samplitude 11.5 Producer - can't change skin

SlickDexique wrote on 6/19/2011, 12:20 AM

Hi - I'm having some problems changing the default skin (now Carbon) in a fresh install of Samplitude 11.5 Producer, running under Windows XP SP3. I have the Advanced Program Settings dialog up - and I keep getting an error message stating that I can't change skins while in Easy Mode - which of course I am not in.

Anybody else have this issue? Workarounds? My eyes are going buggy working on this dark screen...




silentsky wrote on 9/30/2011, 11:30 AM

I have no trouble changing skins in Samplitude Producer 11, but I think they've made lots of changes to the "workspace" concept (Easy/Record/Edit/Power User/etc.)  in 11.5, so it very well could be a bug. I'd report it to Magix support.