Removing embedded text from an exsisting downloaded Video.

Highdollar wrote on 3/16/2009, 8:08 AM
I have a video that I dowloaded that has embedded text I would like to remove. How you remove exsisting text from a downloaded video ? I have tried everything I know.

Also, The text edit screen on the right doesn't show what the larger preview screen on the left shows ?  The text edit screen previews in black ?

One day I'll conquer this program..  Help !



ralftaro wrote on 3/16/2009, 9:16 AM
Hi there,

If you got a complete, mixed-down video, I'm afraid there's no feasible way you could remove an element, like a text overlay, from it again. A task like this, if possible at all, would require specialized software and very tedious reconstruction work.

As far as your question about the creation of text objects is concerned: What you describe is behavior by design. The "Title Editor" is just for putting together and formatting your text. It doesn't display the video as background. Only the main preview window does.

I hope this helps - or at least answers your questions.