
siglersmalz wrote on 4/29/2009, 12:27 PM

I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about ASIO4All drivers or what that means, but to record a sample, basically you just want to get a file, or record using MM directly.

You can get any number of sound recorder programs, some are free.  You want one that will record "what you hear" or "stereo mix".   Make sure your volume settings in the Windows volume mixer are up, too (and not muted).  Once you can successfully record, record your sound to file (mp3, WMP, WAV, etc.) then pull that file into MM.

Or you can record using MM directly.  Just hit the rec "record" botton to open the recorder dialogue box.  Choose the appropriate audio driver, usually the default works for me.  My computer is an HP (Vista) with a build-in Realtek sound car so the default is "Reaktek High Definit".  Using the Windows OS sound mixer, I can choose what input I want to use. 

It can be a bit tricky, but with enough tweeking, you should be able to get a good recording.

Hope this helps,


NoTurning wrote on 4/30/2009, 8:33 AM

You say the ASIO references your RealTek? Is that your recording interface? Also; when you save as does your audio become clear... it changes from static?

ASIO4ALL is great but not always perfect - try using a different ASIO driver in Music Maker. Depending on your version you might even have a universal ASIO driver included from Magix. Try changing that in your playback parameters and record again. Also make sure you're using the line-in jack and NOT the MIC-in

Normalizing is to equalize the gain across multiple tracks and should not affect your ability to record.

Let me know,

siglersmalz wrote on 4/30/2009, 9:25 AM
I think you need to start to simplify, a classic troubleshooting technique.  The first answer you need to determine is if this is your PC or Music Maker.

First, are you using XP or Vista?  Vista dramatically changed the code base for handling audio. 

If Windows XP - get into your volume mixer 
  Control Panel
  Sounds,Speech, and Audio Devices
  Sounds and Audio Devices
  Volume Tab

This will open the Master Volume window.  Make sure nothing is muted and all the sliders are up at least 3/4.

Then click "Options" and select "Properties".  Note which Mixer device is displayed (SoundMAX HD Audio, for example).  Click the "Recording" radio button and make sure all options are checked.  Hit "OK".

You should see "Stereo Mix"; if so, select it and bring the volume up at least half way.  I believe "Stereo Mix"  is "What you hear".  You should see "Microphone" and some other sliders.  Experiment with these settings.

Windows Vista is completely different and I still haven't quite figured it out.  Let us know if you have Vista.

For your troubleshooting, don't use MM.  Find a free audio recording program.  Audacity is very well known:

I did a search on and this program has high ratings (I've never used it myself):

See if you can get a recording either through your mic-in or your line-in.  You should also be able to play something over the Internet (Youtube video) and record what you hear on the computer.

This test will tell you if it's a problem on your PC or a problem with MM.

If you can successfully record in one of those programs, then try to use the same settings within MM.

Let us know what happens.

NoTurning wrote on 5/1/2009, 8:13 AM

I agree with sig... simplify. You should start with the basics. Make sure your RealTek audio driver is up to date. This will have to be done through the manufacturer; ASIO and ASIO4ALL are not actually drivers. If you only have one input that's fine... do like sig. suggested and record using Audacity - it's a great program and it's free. That will isolate better your problem. Then try changing how you record in Music Maker via the playback parameters. Using different methods (DirectX, WAV or ASIO) will also help isolate.

As far as the acapella stuff try searching sites like:

Keep us posted,