Re-create exhisting configuration on new machine with new Acid version

khalon wrote on 1/5/2023, 4:04 PM

Hello all,

In recent years I have worked on several projects using another PC (my old one) with Windows 7 and Acid Pro versions 7 and 8, so I have accumulated a large bunch of plugins, VSTs and related custom presets I have created.

I have recently bougth a brand new PC (WIN 11) and installed Acid Pro Suite 11 from scratch.

My question is: is there an effective (and possibly easy/quick) way to re-create the old configuration on the new machine in order to be able to load my old Acid 7/8 projects (and all its plugins, VSTs, presets, etc) in Acid 11 correctly?

Also, as most of you know, plugins and VSTs are often installed on different folders (too many!). It would not be a problem to reinstall all plugins/VSTs on the same folders (in the new machine) but I'm curios if there is a way to put them all in a single folder and tell Acid to remap paths so that it will look in that folder whenever an old project is loaded, even if in that project's plugins/VSTs where located in other folders?

Thanks in advance!


sheppo wrote on 1/9/2023, 8:48 AM

Hi @khalon, As far as I am aware Acid doesn't care where the plugin is installed, as long as it is recognised in the list of plugins within Acid, and the name of the plugin shown in the plug-in manager is the same.

If you have "Super Plugin v2" installed and used in your old project all you'll need to do is have that same plugin, and version installed on the newer pc and recognised within Acid. It could be installed in to a different drive / folder if you wish, but you'd need to add that custom folder within the plugin-in manager. If, however, you have "Super Plugin v3" installed on the new PC the old project will most likely complain about the plugin being missing when you load it on the new PC.

The versioning really depends on the plugin though, and how it registers itself. Minor version upgrades may work just fine, but in my experience if the name as detected by Acid is different it wont load.

hope that helps