Program updates totally misleading

Fangorn wrote on 8/13/2012, 5:00 AM

There really ought to be a way of turning off individual programs from the update checker.  Magix tells me frequently that 38 programs are not up to date, but if I check with the manufacturer then all the programs are actually up to date.  Sometimes this is due to the way the version number is read eg 3.1 is not up to date because it is currently on version 3.001, but often the version number is different but if I try to update the program I am told I already have the most up to date version of the software and there are no updates available.  This is extremely frustrating, instead of being helpful Magix PC Check & Tuning is a total time-waster.


Former user wrote on 11/16/2012, 7:59 AM

Ik heb precies hetzelfde probleem. De Updates wissen waar ik toch nooit wat mee doe schijnt ook niet mogelijk te zijn. De Updates worden steeds talrijker en ga je naar de site van de Software hiervan dan blijkt dat er niks te Updaten valt.

Slechte zaak van Magix ! Kost veel tijd en lost niets op!

