Pro Plus 15 disk will not load

BillC wrote on 8/12/2009, 10:28 AM
Just received my Pro Plus 15 and the disk will not load on ANY computer I have. I am running XP Pro SP3 with latest updates on all systems. I ran a diagnostic on the disk and it showed that all files were un-readable. I ask tech support about it and all they would say is to upgrade the firmware on my cd\dvd. Can't beleive that everyone out there that has 15 has had to upgrade the firmware on their cd\dvd readers.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Thanks in advance.


siglersmalz wrote on 8/12/2009, 12:15 PM
There were a lot of problems with MEP 15, so I did a search on this forum and the other Magix forum and I don't see any complaints about bad install media.  I think you need to follow up with Magix support and post your issue on the other Magix forum.  You can get to both at

Magix support doesn't monitor this forum, but there is some montoring at the other forum.  But your best bet is to find a computer that is less than 1 year old (a friend or neighbor's?) and see if that new computer will read the disk.  I'd bet my next pay check it won't.

Then take up the issue with Magix support again.  I'm sure you can get them to send new media if you refuse to accept anything else from them.  I've found Magix support to be very helpful, but it takes a while to communicate back and forth.

Good luck
BillC wrote on 8/12/2009, 1:13 PM
Thanks for the info siglersmalz.
I tried the media in my "new" Vista home prem. laptop and the same results. The reader just sits there and blinks at me.
I replyed to tech support email and told them the same and requested a new program disk. Will see what happens.
Thanks again
BillC wrote on 8/24/2009, 6:24 PM
Just a follow up. After MANY e-mails back and forth to Magix support - no resolution yet. They have not responded to my last e-mail from the 19th. They seem to want me to beleive that all is my fault, i.e. bad drive - etc. The disk will not read in ANY drive on ANY computer. They just keep shining me on.
Have enlisted the help of "On Your Side" at PC World. Will see what comes of it.
Also, their 888 number on the website seems to be no good.

BillC wrote on 9/15/2009, 9:35 PM
With the help of "On Your Side", I finaly got a workable disk. The program loads and runs. However, I am getting the same error when burning as I did with 14. "internal error while processsing". At least 15 gives me a text log telling me the drive is "not fully supported". I updated to and also downloaded the burner routines -Magix_brennroutinen_2009_8.1..... Still have the problem. I had been using 14 for over a year and never had this problem till recently. Uninstalling 14 and reinstalling let me burn but the disk was not readable, then could not burn again. Strange that Nero and Roxio both will burn with no problem.
Think maybe they should fix their program??
Anyway, problem solved with the bad disk.