I recently bought a boxed CD of Acid Pro 7 from a Hal Leonard store, it was unopened and dated 2014- all very legit. I installed it on my Windows 7, 64 bit system and it seems to work fine. I registered it through the program's menu prompt at Sony Creative- the authorization seemed to work and upon boot-up my name displays as the registered user. However, I also keep getting a warning that It is not completely authorized and then when I visit the registration site again, (at SCS) I get a count down of the days I have left to to fully authorize before it stops- as if it were a trial version. Meanwhile, Magix states simply that it will be "some time" before it receives the registration info from SCS, all the while I wait and watch the days tick away before my software is blocked? I went ahead and registered this boxed version of Acid 7 with Magix, but since it wasn't downloaded from their site it seems to have fallen into the limbo crack... and Magix's customer service is non-existent. So, what is going to happen? Does any of this matter? Will my software stop working when the trial time runs out or will it continue on forever with an annoying message every time it starts? Does Magix need to "un-block" it?