
siglersmalz wrote on 7/25/2009, 2:27 AM
Well, I see it's been a couple days since you posted your question and no one has answered.  I've also noticed there have been a lot of questions about Rescue your Videotapes, so I looked it up at

The picture of the program interface shows what appears to be a simpler version of Movie Edit Pro, which is the Magix program I use, so I'll tell you a possible solution.  Hopefully, it will work with Rescue your Videotapes.

Put your program into the timeline mode after importing your video, or after opening a previously imported video.  Timeline mode is the mode where you see the individual tracks of your project.  Track 1 is video, track 2 is audio (in MEP).

Right-click the video track (track 1) and hopefully you will see an option that says something like, "Create Frame Table (new)".  Selecting this option will rebuilt the mapping between video and audio and get everything in sync.

I have no idea why this is necessary, but I do it everything I open a video file or import a video file into MEP.  I'm guessing Rescue your Videotapes behaves the same way.

Good luck,
